Marie Whittaker

Fantasy Author. Mom. Full Metal Disney Princess.

Marie Whittaker is an award-winning essayist and author of horror, urban fantasy, children’s books and supernatural thrillers. Writing as Amity Green, her debut novel, Scales, the first in her Fate and Fire series, debuted in 2013, followed by Phantom Limb Itch in 2018. Her supernatural thriller, The Witcher Chime, was a finalist for the Indie Book Awards in 2017. She is the creator of The Adventures of Lola Hopscotch, which is a children’s book series concentrating on getting sensitive childhood issues out in the open between children and adults. Many of her award-winning short stories appear in numerous anthologies and publications, including Weird Tales. She is currently working on a new paranormal mystery, titled (working) Little Boy Lost.

Marie enjoys teaching about publishing, writing craft, and project management for writers. She works as Associate Publisher at WordFire Press and is Director of Superstars Writing Seminars, a world-class writing conference concentrating on the business of writing. Marie is a proud member of the Horror Writers Association and keeps steady attendance at local writer’s groups.

A Colorado native, Marie resides in Manitou Springs, where she writes and enjoys renovating her historic Victorian home. She spends time hiking, gardening, and indulging in her guilty pleasure of shopping for handbags. She is fond of owls, coffee, and all things Celtic. A lover of animals, Marie is an advocate against animal abuse and assists with lost pets in her community. 

Marie is the creator of The Adventures of Lola Hopscotch, which is a children’s book series concentrating on getting sensitive childhood issues out in the open between children and adults. Many of her short stories appear in numerous anthologies and publications, including Weird Tales. She is currently working on a new paranormal mystery, titled (working) Little Boy Lost. In 2021, she co founded the epic fantasy world of Eldros Legacy. Marie is an award-winning essayist and author of horror, fantasy, children’s books and supernatural thrillers. She loves to crochet in her downtime and habitually adopts rescue animals.

My Blog

Hi, I’m Marie Whittaker. I’m an author, publisher, and a project manager. When I’m not engaged in work, I’m a book reviewer, gardener, and an outdoor enthusiast. I’m the creator of The Adventures of Lola Hopscotch and I habitually adopt rescue animals. You might be asking yourself what you’ll find here. Imagine a site where you’d see posts about books, animals, food, anti-bullying, travel, publishing, and exercise. That’s what you’re likely to find here on my blog. I might even surprise you with a new topic someday. Until then, I hope you enjoy it here.